I hope everyone had a fun summer and enjoyed their break from hockey!!
Well guess what it's that time again. That's right it's hockey time!!!!!!!!
I hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming season and you are ready to have a great season!
GO DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Are you returning to play with the Dragons?Please email me or call me (Cynthia) to let me know if you will be returning to play with the Dragons for 2008-2009 season. We hope all will return this season.
We really need to know this information so that we can continue to prepare for the upcoming season which is literally around the corner. So please contact me as soon as possible to let me know your plans.
Tentative Start Date:The ice is tentatively scheduled to be up by September 8, 2008. We will confirm this with you once we definitely know if the ice is up so please look for more information regarding the exact start date and specific practice times.
Registration:If you have not already registered you are still able to receive an early registration discount until August 31, 2008. If you register by August 31, 2008 you can save $25.00 of your registration fees (all fees minus discount must be paid for the discount to applicable). As of October 1, 2008 regular fees will apply. All fees must be paid by November 2, 2008.
We will have several on-site registration dates:
September 13, 2008 10am-12pm
September 20, 2008 10am-12pm
*additional dates TBA Are you Interested in your Player's Health???Some of the coaches have suggested that we start now with teaching our children healthy living. The coaches would like to initiate a off-ice training session for our players it would take place two days per week tentatively on: Saturdays 8:30am-9:45 & Sundays 8:30am- 9:45am. The coaches will go over nutrition, exercise and fitness training. Please contact me if you are interested.
Parent/Player Orientation: Once again we will be having a player and a parent orientation at the begin of the season. Each parent and player should plan to attend one of the schedule orientations. These orientation will prove to be very informative and give you a head start on what to expect for the upcoming season. Here is a brief synopsis of the information that will be discussed: Rule, Team Rostering, Team Fees, Parent and Player expectations, Volunteering, ABC Center Memberships, Practices and games, Equipment are just of the few things we will discuss.
Parent and Player Orientation dates: September 13, 2008 @ 11am-12pm
September 20, 2008 @ 11am-12pm
* Please be on time to these meetings they will begin promptly and will not last more than a hour.
Parent CommitteeWe would like to welcome you to be a part of the newly formed parent group which is the Detroit Hockey Association Parent Alliance Committee or PAC. We are looking to get more parents involved in and be more apart of the association. This is one way for you to become more involved join this committee today! Helping to make the DHA better. I hope that many of our parents will be involved in this group. If you are interested in being apart of this organization please plan to attend the upcoming meeting September 27, 2008 time TBA.
Manager's NeededAre you interested in being a team manager? We are looking for a few managers. If you are interested please contact (Marilyn or Cynthia). All managers please plan to attend the managers meeting on September 13, 2008 @ 12:15pm.
Please feel free to contact me with nay questions or concerns!!
Please look for more updates!!!
Thank You,
Cynthia Wardlaw