We have great news!!! We will have ice as of Monday, November 23, 2009 and our zamboni is back!!!!!!
*The I-Program will have practice this Monday from 6:00pm-7:30pm and then will resume there normal every Saturday Schedule after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Registration:We are still registering for our competitive teams as well as our Learn to Skate program (I-Program). The fees are: Competitive Teams $300.00 registration fee (*this does not include your referee fees or team fees) and $150.00 for the I-Program. Looking for all level of players Mite- Midget as well as new skaters for our I-Program. Please remember at the time of registration 1/2 of your fees are due.
Please keep in mind that all association fees are due by November 30, 2009. Anyone owing any fees after November 30, 2009 will not be allowed to participate in any DHA activities this includes practices and games. We have several fundraiser that will be going on to help you earn money for these fees.
Fundraiser:We are currently doing the Coney Island Kit Fundraiser. The kits sell for $20.00 and you make a $6.00 profit off of each kit sold. The order forms and money are due to Becki on December 5, 2009 and the delivery and pick up date for your kits is December 15, 2009. (*order forms are available at the arena) Please look for more information on upcoming fundraiser's.
We are also doing the White Castle Coupon book these books sell $5.00 each and have some really great deals. If you haven't received your White Castle coupon books or info please contact Becki at poohbear2273@yahoo.com.
*Don't forget to support the Bantam and Midgets Bowling fundraiser on December 14, 2009 @ 7pm Vision's Lane (Ford Rd in Westland). Please see one of your Bantam or Midgets team members for more information.
*Please help them raise money to go to Washington!!!!!!
Upcoming Events:November: 26-28, 2009: ABC and the arena are closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
November 27-29, 2009: Columbus Tournament (Mites, Squirts and Peewees)
December 14, 2009: Bowling Fundraiser @ Vision Lanes 7pm
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank You,