Parents and players we are still practicing. There will be some changes to the schedule that will be announced and there will be some skills clinics offered please have your player attend. Let's start working on having an even better upcoming season. Remember practice makes perfect and that's what we are planning for next season.
There are some important dates to remember please mark your calendars.
March 23, 2007, (Friday): Don't forget this is an election year. You may nominate yourself or someone else for one of the (9) board positions. (President, Vice President, Director of Teams, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, (2) At Large Members and President Emeritus (*this position is only needed if a knew president is elected).
All Detroit Hockey Association board nomination forms must be submitted by this date to ensure that ballots are made for election. Please place all nomination forms in the purple boxes at the arena located at the concession stand and at the DHA board near the pro shop or email to Kenedra Bell - kbell@taubman.com
March 25, 2007, (Sunday): Volunteer Appreciation Dinner given by Adam Butzel Recreation Center from 3pm-6pm. If you have not RSVP with Cynthia please do so ASAP if you plan on attending. All volunteers are free and guest are $5.
March 31, 2007, (Saturday): Coaches vs. Kids games.
- 1:30 pm - Mites, Squirts and Peewees vs. Coaches
- 3:00 pm - Bantam and Midgets vs. Coaches
April 1, 2007, (Sunday): Annual awards banquet. The banquet will take place at the Karas House 4pm-8pm. Tickets are $21.00 players, coaches, and manager are free. Please see your manager or Cynthia for tickets to the banquet.
Detroit Hockey Association Board Election will take place on April 1, 2007, at the annual banquet.
April 21, 2007 (Saturday): Equipment Return Day and Last Day for the
Contact a DHA Board member with any questions.
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