Let's give the Bantam a big Hip-Hip- Hooray. They are Little Caesar's Champions! Way to go Dragons!
Now it's time for the Mites! The Mites Little Caesars Championship Game is Sunday, March 15, 2009 at Joe Louis @ 8:30am. If you can please come out and support our Mite team and help us cheer them on to victory!!!!
Good Luck Mites on your game this Sunday!! Let's bring home another championship to the DHA!!!!!!!
Free Clinics:
Clinic Dates:
Saturday March 14, 2009
3:30 PM - 4:50 PM @ Jack Adams
Monday March 16, 2009
6PM - 7:20 PM @ Jack Adams
Upcoming Dates:
I-Program Scrimmage Game vs. Clark Park @ 11am
March 14, 2009: Free Clinic with Tony McGee at Jack Adams 3:30pm-4:50pm
March 15, 2009: Mite LCAHL Championship Game at The Joe @ 8:30am
March 16, 2009: Free Clinic with Tony McGee at Jack Adams 6:00pm-7:20pm
March 21, 2009: DHA Picture Day 10am-4pm (order forms will be available this week)
March 28, 2009: Kids vs. Coaches Games (*times TBA)
March 28, 2009: Breakfast for the players and coaches
March 29, 2009: Annual Awards Banquet at Adam Butzel Center 4pm-7pm
Volunteers Needed:
Volunteers needed for The Annual End of The Year Banquet. Please let me know if you are available to volunteer. (need volunteers for set-up, decorating etc.)
Calling All Moms...Calling All Moms!!!! We need moms to help us with breakfast for the players and coaches on March 28, 2009.
DHA End of the Year Banquet:
The Annual Awards Banquet is March 29, 2009 tickets are $10.00. Please remember that players, coaches and managers are FREE!!!
If you are planning to attend the banquet please let myself or your team manager know you will be attending. I must turn in a count for the banquet by Monday.
DHA Picture Day:
The DHA Picture Day is Saturday, March 21, 2009. Don't forget to get photos of your favorite hockey player.
FYI: The nominees for the DHA Board positions have been posted at Jack Adams. Find out whose running for the DHA board positions. Don't forget voting takes place at the end of the year banquet.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank You,
Cynthia Wardlaw (DHA Secretary)
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